Apollos University

Type Terms and Hybrid Classes
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Standard Terms

Standard Terms operate on a 2-month (8 session) schedule with new terms beginning every month. Standard terms classrooms are an asynchronous, interactive learning environment where learners enjoy the added benefit of studying in cohort groups and engaging fellow classmates in discussion. With new terms beginning every month, students can progress through the standard terms taking 1 course at a time, 2 courses at the same time, or even start a new course every 4 weeks and complete the courses on a rolling basis. The Standard Terms option is perfect for students who like the thought of having more formalized deadlines and engaging in peer interaction.


Your Terms

Your Terms is a flexible, individualized option for students whose life responsibilities make it difficult to study on a set schedule. Students can study on “your terms.” The Your Terms option lets students follow an individualized learning approach, at a pace that meets “your terms” rather than a set schedule. Students’ progress through the course material, working closely with a professor in a directed study method. Students have 16 weeks to complete each course (16 Week Maximum) while courses can be completed in as early as 4 weeks (4 Week Minimum). Once a course is completed, students begin the next course right away and continue studying at their own pace.

To offer as much flexibility as possible, students may choose to manage their progress through the program by taking a blend of Standard Terms and Your Terms courses. Extended business trips, religious holidays, and other life duties can disrupt the plans of even the most dedicated students, but with multiple available options for taking courses, students can best plan to blend their academic pursuits with professional and personal responsibilities. Students should work with their academic advisor regarding their individual, best options for academic success.


Hybrid Classes

Hybrid classes are associated with either Standard or Your Terms and are designed to allow students who reside in the local vicinity of the University the option to attend weekly classroom lectures. Students who attend the hybrid classes will continue to study in the online system for approximately 85% of each hybrid class and approximately 15% in a classroom for each hybrid class. The unique hybrid, in-residence system allows professors the opportunity to provide a live lecture and provides the students the opportunity to discuss the weekly material and learning objectives in a face-to-face classroom setting. Hybrid classes are limited to those that reside in the local vicinity of the university.