Apollos University

Tuition & Fees
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Yearly Rate Comparison

Apollos is truly one of the most affordable Universities in the USA. Compare our tuition rates against any other college or university and see for yourself how we compare.

Degree Level
Apollos University
Private Non-Profit
MBA (Master of Business Administration)
MSOM (Master of Science in Organizational Mgt)
**Apollos University provides textbooks and proctors at no cost to the student.
Source of Public and Private Non-Profit data derived from Trends College Pricing – College Board Research
Fee chart.png

Affordable Tuition Rates




Apollos Educational Partners: $225




Apollos Educational Partners: $172




Apollos Educational Partners: $315

Undergrad Certificates



Apollos Educational Partners: $225

Graduate Certificates



Apollos Educational Partners: $265

Post Graduate Certificates



Apollos Educational Partners: $315

* Only reduced program Ed.Partner or scholarship can be used.

The following chart shows the estimated total cost per degree program and cost per certificate cost. The estimated cost includes the Application Fee, Library Fee, and Graduation Fee for each degree program and certificate program

Estimated Total Program Cost
Ed. Partner Program (EPP)
Associate of Science
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Undergrad Certificates
Graduate Certificates
Postgraduate Certificates
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Organizational Mgt
Doctoral Programs
* In specific Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence classes, Textbooks will be purchased by students so they will have them in their professional library (Estimated cost is $1500).


  • E-book textbooks/course materials are provided without charge for each class unless specified as part of a special offer or specified in the class/program.
  • E-book textbook codes are provided to the student without charge via the Apollos Textbook Grant. The student is responsible for working with the E-book company if there is an issue with the downloading of the e-book or the code provided.
When will the tuition be charged ?

The student registers for classes each term and is responsible for payment of their tuition associated with those classes no later than the first day before the classes are scheduled to start.

What are the financial options ?
Apollos University offers its students a wide range of flexible payment opportunities. View Payment Option for detail
Will may the credit quoted change ?

The tuition per credit quoted for the degree in which the student applies will not change during the student’s time at Apollos unless the student leaves or is removed from the program and then reapplies at a later time.

Cancel Enrollment ?
If the student finds he/she must cancel their Enrollment Agreement, a one time registration fee of 20% of the applicable tuition (maximum $200) will be charged if the student does not cancel the Enrollment Agreement within the first 7 days of the first day of class. See the “Student’s Right to Cancel the Enrollment” section of the Apollos Catalog for details.

The following fees and charges are cost that students may incur beyond the basic tuition cost for specific degree programs. Fees are charged when services are rendered.

Mandatoryfee incurred by all students
Additional Fees Students May Incur
*Application Fee
*One Time Apollos Library Fee
*Registration Fee (20% of Tuition)
Graduation Fee
Certificate Program Award Fee

* Indicates fees that are non-refundable
**VA and Active-Duty Military are not charged
***Maximum of $200 if class is dropped after 7 days
Leave of Absence
*International Transcript Evaluation
*Credit Transfer Fee
*Challenge Exam
Late Registration
Re-Enrollment Fee to University/Program
*Additional Transcript Fee
*Overseas Shipping – Actual Cost
*Bank Wire Fee (Incoming and Outgoing)
*Change of Program Fee
*2 Week Course Extension Fee
*Returned Check Fee
*California STRF Fee per $1000 Dollars Paid

* Indicates fees that are non-refundable