Apollos University

Honor Society
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Alpha Delta of Montana Chapter – Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society


Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society was established in 1997, by The Distance Education and Training Council Board of Trustees, in cooperation with the President of the Alpha Beta Kappa National Honor Society and is the only Honor Society in the United States of America that represents accredited distance learning institutions.

Apollos University was granted a charter to establish the Alpha Delta of Montana Chapter of Delta Epsilon Tau on December 10, 2012 to recognize the achievements of our Alumni who worked diligently to acquire their new found academic credentials through fully accredited distance learning.


  • Recognize the academic achievements of students who study at a distance;
  • Demonstrate to the public that distance study is truly a viable educational option;
  • Inspire both students and faculty in the distance study community; and
  • Bring honor and earned recognition to individuals who have worked diligently to acquire new knowledge and skills at a distance from a fully accredited distance learning institution.


  • Delta = D Denotes the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, and it is symbolized by a triangle. This greek letter symbolizes the joining of three groups: students, colleges and the goals of the DETC.
  • Epsilon = E Denotes the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, stands for education and distinction. The "E" in Epsilon begins the Latin word "educo" or "educatum" and means to lead forth, to encourage mental, aesthetic, physical and moral development, through instruction for the business and duties of life.
  • Tau = T Denotes the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, means to instill good character. Tau brings recognition and praise for those who have worked valiantly and successfully in their field of study.


Members of Delta Epsilon Tau receive a membership certificate, an honor society gold key, and an honor society overview and narrative. Eligible Alumni will receive a membership invitation from Apollos by email or mail. Should an Apollos University Alumni feel that he or she is “fully” qualified for membership, but did not receive an invitation to join; the Alumni should email the Apollos Registrar at registrar@apollos.edu to request a membership application. There is a one-time Apollos University lifetime membership fee to join our chapter is $40.


Apollos University’s Registrar will provide the names of potential alumni to our Honors Committee who will vote to recommend membership based on the alumni’s overall academic performance and commitment to learning at a distance. Every Alumni will not be INVITED to join, so complete your assignments in a timely manner and avoid plagiarism. Each Alumni INVITED to join our chapter will be required to sign a Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Code and publicity release form. This code documents that the Alumni has:

  • Completed his/her Associates, Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral degree with distinction and independently (plagiarism free)
  • Maintained the minimum GPA of 3.6
  • Meet all financial responsibilities to the school
  • Commitment to distance education and learning
  • Participation in the AU Alumni association (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn).


Each Apollos University Alumni INVITED to join our Alpha Delta of Montana Chapter of Delta Epsilon Tau will have the opportunity to receive:

  • Delta Epsilon Tau is the only Honor Society in America that represents accredited distance learning institutions.
  • National student recognition.
  • Ability to list the distinction of membership in Delta Epsilon Tau on all future resumes when pursuing employment.
  • Foreign and domestic networking opportunities with other Chapters.
  • Individually prepared membership certificate that documents your achievement.
  • The Delta Epsilon Tau Gold Key emblem.
  • Congratulatory letter and narrative announcement.