Apollos University

Transfer Credit Policy
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The applicant can request that credits previously completed at other universities be considered for transfer into Apollos University. The applicant seeking the transfer of credits will need to provide written notification to the Admissions office containing the title and name of each course along with a copy of the course description and the name of the university where the credit was earned. Credit transfer request are processed using a standard that attempts to match possible transfer credits to degree program requirements at Apollos. In order to accept transfer credits, the Registrar will review official catalogs from the institution where the courses were taken for credit. If necessary, the Registrar will request the applicable department chair to review the material to help ensure there is a match between the potential transfer credits and the requirements of the Apollos degree program. Credits requested for transfer should have been completed no more than seven years prior to being requested for transfer into Apollos. The Registrar may require the applicant to provide additional information in order to help support the evaluation process. In addition to an official transcript from the previous university, additional types of information may be requested including but not limited to the following:
  Syllabi of courses being considered for transfer credit
  Official catalog(s) covering the dates the courses were taken

The number of possible transfer credits allowed is based upon the following requirements:
Associate degree programs:
Associate courses with grade of C or higher (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) from an Institution as defined above can be considered for transfer.
A maximum of 45 credits of undergraduate level courses may be transferred into an associate program. 
Bachelor's degree programs:
Bachelor courses with grade of C or higher (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) from an Institution as defined above can be considered for transfer.
A maximum of 90 credits of undergraduate level courses may be transferred into a bachelor program. 
Master's degree programs:
Graduate courses with grade of B or higher (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) from an Institution as defined above can be considered for transfer.
A maximum of 18* credits of graduate level courses may be transferred into an Apollos master’s program. (* Additional transfer credits can be considered in certain cases.)
Doctoral degree program:
Doctoral level courses with grade of B or higher (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) from an Institution as defined above can be considered for transfer.
A maximum of 9* credits can be transferred into the doctorate level program.  (* Additional transfer credits can be considered in certain cases.)
Experiential Learning Policy (Challenge Exams)
The only experiential or prior learning assessment credits that Apollos allows is for challenge exams. Applicants can challenge up to 25% of the allowable transfer credits into each program. The number of allowed challenge exam credits are as follows.
AAS: up to 12 credits
BSBA: up to 24 credits
BSIT: up to 24 credits
MBA: up to 3 credits
MSOM: up to 3 credits
DBA: up to 3 credits
Transfer of Additional Credit beyond the Allowable Amount
To request a transfer of additional credit beyond the allowable, maximum credit transfer into an Apollos program, the applicant must first submit a request for credit transfer consideration.  The request can be made through multiple mediums including, but not limited to, verbal and written requests.
  • Once an applicant has submitted a request to transfer more than the allowable, maximum number of credits into a program, a member of the Office of the Registrar will complete the following actions:
  • Review the applicant’s request for additional credit transfer.
  • Conduct a detailed review of the transcripts, the transferability of the credits based on currency and the transferring institutional accreditations and status, the catalog and website of the transferring institution, the program description, and the stated program learning outcomes and/or objectives.
  • Perform a comparison study to determine the compatibility of the program description, outcomes, and course descriptions with the chosen Apollos program and courses,
  • Ensure that any additional awarded credit allowances do not exceed the stated maximums as stipulated by any state requirements and/or accreditation standards.
  • Document the above actions on the Apollos University Transfer Beyond the Maximum Allowable Credits Form.
  • Inform applicant of approved and unapproved credits for transfer and update academic plan accordingly.
Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Apollos:
The transferability of credits you earn at Apollos University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree you earn in Apollos University is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the degree that you earn at this institution is not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Apollos University to determine if your degree will transfer.
The award of credit for coursework completed at any other institution is at the sole discretion of Apollos University