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Retired Major Paul Eidson, Ph.D, DBA, Apollos University CEO and Veteran
October 10, 2022 By
Home >News>Retired Major Paul Eidson, Ph.D, DBA, Apollos University CEO and Veteran

On Veterans Day, we salute those individuals who have bravely served their nation and heeded the call of service and duty. As an institution founded by veterans and proudly serving veterans, everyone at Apollos University would like to express our sincerest gratitude for the sacrifices and dedication made by all of our great nation’s active duty, retired, and veteran military servicemen and women.

Many of you may know the Apollos University CEO and Founder, Dr. Paul Eidson. But what many of you may not know is that Dr. Paul is also a retired Air Force officer and Vietnam Veteran. Dr. Paul joined the Air Force in 1968 and was initially assigned to McConnel AFB in Wichita, Kansas as a computer operator and programmer. Later, he served at Bien Hoa Air Base Vietnam, continuing his computer work and also serving as a special courier, traveling to various parts of Vietnam to support military functions. After 10 years as an enlisted airman, Dr. Paul completed his bachelor’s degree at The Ohio State University and entered officer training school. As an officer, Dr. Paul rose to the rank of Major. In 1989, after over twenty years of service to our country, Dr. Paul retired from the Air Force and applied his skills and knowledge as a contractor, first with McDonald-Douglas and later with Boeing. During those years, Dr. Paul furthered his career and his education and earned not one, but two doctorates in business. It was during this time that Dr. Paul fell in love with distance education and made plans for the next phase of his outstanding career—higher education. Though he still claims he is retired, Dr. Paul lives his passion for higher education and advanced degrees every day, dedicating himself to growing the Apollos brand and furthering the Apollos mission to bring educational opportunities to those individuals who cannot or do not want to attend traditional classrooms. Of his decision to found Apollos University, Dr. Paul commented that “after completing doctoral degrees in both a traditional classroom and then through distance education, I recognized the value that online degree programs offer non-traditional students and especially active duty and retired veterans. Online education can open doors that would otherwise be closed. I knew starting Apollos University would provide additional opportunities for many individuals, including active duty and retired military personnel, to earn advanced degrees and I’m proud of what we’ve built at Apollos.”

In 2016, Dr. Paul was instrumental in moving Apollos University to Great Falls, Montana. “I fell in love with Great Falls immediately,” he said of his first visit to Montana. “With Malmstrom Air Force Base on the edge of town, an active and engaged Military Affairs Committee, and a steadily growing network of active duty and retired military folks, I new immediately that Apollos had a lot to offer Great Falls. I’d found our new home and I’m honored to give back every way that I can.”

From all of us at Apollos University, we would like to extend a huge thank you to Dr. Paul. Thank you for your service and for you continuing dedication to giving back to veterans, to active duty servicemen and women, and to their families!

Click here to learn how Apollos is proudly serving veterans.